What is Thai Massage Therapy?
Thai massage is a 3000 year old folk art & healing modality. It uses simple procedures to rapidly eliminate disease both physical and emotional.
So how does it work?
It balances and harmonises your body's shakti, chi, prana or whichever term you use to describe the natural energy that is streaming through your body keeping you alive.
It can be described as a combination of assisted stretching, yoga, acupressure, meridian therapy & meditation.
It is a total mind, body, emotional and spiritual bliss vacation! The receiver's only job is to relax and meditate.
Keep your clothes on!?
Unlike most classic western massage therapies, clothing is worn during traditional Thai massage (Don’t worry if you don’t know what to wear. We will provide a comfortable set of Thai style clothing will be provided for your massage session). There are many positions where clothing is a huge benefit, maintaining the integrity of the receiver and the practitioner alike.
Thai massage all began as a traditional form of therapy given to ancient Thai royal court and elite citizens such as the Buddha. The spiritual nature of the practice is rooted in legends of Gods and Goddesses, such as Krishna and Laxshmi reciving this treatment.
The session will take place on a large, incredibly comfortable & soft queen sized Futon mattress. The wonderful thing about Thai Massage Therapy, is that your current condition will improve with each session. Whatever you are currently dealing with physically, it can and will begin to heal rapidly, as the blood flow/circulation improves, stiffness in muscles lessens, and natural state of balance and harmony begin to take effect. Young or old, everyone can benefit from this healing art-form.
How much is a session?
Each session is an investment into your total health and healing. This therapy has been used as prevention and at times instead of surgery and other traditional medical procedures for pain, dis-ease and mind-body imbalances. Traditionally, people were turning to psychiatry and surgery to alleviate mind-body & emotional ailments, but not so much any more. This holistic and therapeutic treatment will leave you feeling more calm, centred, balanced, open, grounded and relaxed than you have felt in years. Try a session, see for yourself!